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Monday, April 27, 2009

Cures For Panic Attacks

Many people are nervous about speaking in public or flying in an airplane. A panic disorder can strike prior to one of these events or due to fear that something bad may happen, often an experience similar to what a person has had before. There are three main categories of panic attacks: spontaneous, which occurs seemingly out of the blue. Specific panic attacks apply to a certain experience such as a fear of heights or public speaking and situational panic attacks often affect those who suffer from agoraphobia, a fear of open spaces. Those who struggle with claustrophobia may suffer from a situational panic attack when in an enclosed area, such as a small room.

Cures for panic attacks may seem impossible because the effects are physical as well as psychological. Some symptoms include shortness of breath, racing heart, sweating, dizziness, chest pains and stomach cramps. Sometimes the physical disturbances can be so severe one may feel like he is having heart problems. If this is the case, a person should see a doctor or hospital immediately if they are unsure as to the cause of the discomfort in the body. Due to the possible severity of the physical symptoms, a person should not dismiss them all as stress or anxiety related. If there is any doubt or prolonged physical trouble a person should see a doctor quickly. High stress and anxiety can manifest itself in numerous ways in the body.

Cures for panic attacks may seem impossible because the effects are physical as well as psychological. Some symptoms include shortness of breath, racing heart, sweating, dizziness, chest pains and stomach cramps. Sometimes the physical disturbances can be so severe one may feel like he is having heart problems. If this is the case, a person should see a doctor or hospital immediately if they are unsure as to the cause of the discomfort in the body. Due to the possible severity of the physical symptoms, a person should not dismiss them all as stress or anxiety related. If there is any doubt or prolonged physical trouble a person should see a doctor quickly. High stress and anxiety can manifest itself in numerous ways in the body.

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