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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tips For Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are usually an uncontrollable condition in which a person feels panic in response to what should be a normal or non-threatening situation. It's when these panic or anxiety attacks occur more than four or five times a month, that you may be looking at a possible panic disorder.This can also be accompanied by a number of physical discomforts such as chest pain, short breath, dizziness, chills or hot flashes. If you are sufferring these conditions, you may like to check out the following tips for panic attacks.
  • Sometimes anti-depressants are prescribed to treat anxiety and they work more effectively for generalised anxiety disorder. This treatment can be used to patients whether or not they also have clinical depression the same time.
  • Valerian root is reported to contain sedative properties and can relieve the symptoms of anxiety. Consult your doctor for a good dosage.
  • Proper exercise can relieve stress, but do not over do as too much exercise can also trigger a panic attack. Exercises such as yoga and meditation are believed to be most effective.
  • Make sure you have enough quality sleep. According to medical professionals, not having enough quality sleep will deteriorate the condition of anxiety and panic.
  • Stay away from recreational drugs (most of them are illegal drugs), as they can dramatically increase the likelihood of getting and anxiety or panic disorder.
  • Writhe down exactly what you are scared about when it comes to your panic attacks. You may need to think hard, cause the initial fear may be long gone, and all that remains is the panic or anxiety attack itself.
  • Don't judge yourself. Many sufferers of anxiety attacks feel pathetic - that they are alone and unable to cope. There are millions of sufferers throughout the US and this is not the case. You will overcome you panic attacks, you just need to be patient.
  • Can you Remove the stress from your life. Sometimes this is not possible, as it may be something you can not change. But if it is something you can change, then do it.
  • Always reward yourself for positive achievements. If you manage to control a panic attack then reward yourself to takeaway or an item of clothing. Celebrate in your progress and you will overcome your anxiety attacks more quickly.
I hope these panic attack tips have helped you. You can and will beat your panic attacks, you just need to find an effective treatment which works for you. I urge you to avoid medication as the side effects often outweigh the little benefit they provide - there are some extremely effective natural treatments available. It works on the proven assumption that our active thoughts have the capability of changing our subconscious reactions and can, therefore, cure panic attacks, as they are one’s reaction to certain kind of situations.

Click here to learn more about panic away.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Control your Panic Attacks

Most of the people I deal with have been struggling with anxiety disorders for many years and have usually exhausted themselves looking for a solution in every book, course, or treatment program out there. By the time they get to me, they are very skeptical (as is natural) and have little faith in ever getting rid of their condition.

The technique I teach has been developed by me Joe Barry, a former sufferer of all too frequent Panic Attacks and GAD. I developed a completely natural approach to eliminating 100% of general anxiety and panic attacks. This may seem very hard to believe for someone who may have had this condition for some time but believe me the new information is now available to be free from anxiety. I will reveal the whole technique to you.

You will be amazed at how such a simple technique known as the One Move Technique could be so powerful in restoring you back to your former care free self. I am not only talking about eliminating Panic Attacks but also getting your general anxiety level right back down to zero without the use of any medication or alternative therapies. This technique is based on advanced psychology made simple for everyone to apply.

It takes seconds to implement wherever you are, -at home, at work or out socializing with friends.

This technique is not NLP or hypnosis. It is an advanced cognitive technique born from traditional psychology that everyone can apply regardless of how long the anxiety has been present.

You will not be asked to follow a time consuming 30 step program that will bring only minor improvements.

After reading this information you will be able to immediately have confidence to tackle any of the big stresses you may have been putting off e.g. driving, air travel, interviews etc.

Read more:

Tips To Prevent Panic Attacks

Ways to Cure Panic Attacks Fast

Monday, May 4, 2009

Panic Away -End Anxiety And Panic Attacks

Sufferers of panic attacks often report a fear or sense of dying, "going crazy", or experiencing a heart attack or "flashing vision", feeling faint or nauseated, heavy breathing, or losing control of themselves. These feelings may provoke a strong urge to escape or flee the place where the attack began (a consequence of the sympathetic "fight or flight" response).

A panic attack is a response of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). The most common symptoms may include trembling, dyspnea (shortness of breath), heart palpitations, chest pain (or chest tightness), hot flashes, cold flashes, burning sensations (particularly in the facial or neck area), sweating, nausea, dizziness (or slight vertigo), light-headedness, hyperventilation, paresthesias (tingling sensations), sensations of choking or smothering, and derealization. These physical symptoms are interpreted with alarm in people prone to panic attacks. This results in increased anxiety, and forms a positive feedback loop.[4]

Often the onset of shortness of breath and chest pain are the predominant symptoms, the sufferer incorrectly appraises this as a sign or symptom of a heart attack. This can result in the person experiencing a panic attack seeking treatment in an emergency room.

Panic attacks are distinguished from other forms of anxiety by their intensity and their sudden, episodic nature.[2] They are often experienced in conjunction with anxiety disorders and other psychological conditions, although panic attacks are not always indicative of a mental disorder.
Click here to find out more.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Panic Away Review

Panic Away is one of the most popular ebooks selling online that deals with anxiety and panic attacks. Specifically, it teaches panic and anxiety attack patients how to overcome and cure panic attacks naturally without the need for medications.

Well, it was written by Joe Barry, who used to suffer heavily by very frequent panic attacks, for many many years. Just up until the point where he discovered his One Move Technique, which then allowed him to instantly kill any sort of panic or anxiety the moment it appeared.

It is the “One Move” Technique that makes up the bulk of Joe’s “Panic Away”course. Joe takes you step-by-step through all the stages of an anxiety attack and how his “One Move Technique” can be implemented at any stage to stop these attacks in their tracks.

The technique is one that Joe has developed and refined over a 10 year period and has now taught to over 14,000 anxiety sufferers.

Joe’s technique doesn’t rely on medication, relaxation exercises or lifestyle changes. It is designed to work straight away and eliminate anxiety attacks for good.

Basically, it is a series of steps in how you control your breathing and mental state that helps to stop panic attacks before they happen. For this to work, you will need to recognize the symptoms of panic attacks.

If you are not sure, Joe does provide a list of the most common panic attack symptoms you can use as a reference.

It will take some time to practice what Joe is teaching in the panic away guide. However, it isn't terribly difficult to master and once you have used it for a few times, it starts to become second nature.

Your diet also plays an important role in stopping panic attacks permanently and Joe Barry will explains the types of foods you should avoid.

Exercise is also another area which can help stop anxiety and panic attacks and he provide several good exercises from his experience that can effectively and gradually stop panic attacks.

Click here to learn more about Panic Away.

How to Deal With Panic Attacks

The most often found illnesses in the United States are panic attacks and anxiety. You can't fix panic and anxiety just by wishing really hard. But, there are plenty of steps that can be taken to ease the symptoms and cure panic attacks and anxiety.

In the current economic climate people feel obliged to work longer hours just to feel they have more job security. Often they do this unpaid and that can lead to extra problems at home and for all the extra work have nothing to show for it. One simple technique you can implement at work is to learn to breathe correctly, you need to stop shallow breathing and start taking in bigger breaths.

The second point you should do on a daily basis to cure panic attacks is to make sure you drink enough water. Dehydration caused by not drinking enough water can play havoc with your emotional state. Try to drink at least eight glasses of water throughout the day.

Your daily diet also has a profound affect on your mental state, cut out snacking at work or in your home and eat six small meals throughout the day. The food you have should be low in sugar, salt and processed products as these can weaken your immune system and has a negative effect on your anxiety levels.

Ensure that with your healthy diet you take enough daily exercise this naturally raises your confidence and produces a general good feeling that will lower your anxiety and susceptibility to having panic attacks. Exercise doesn't have to be marathon running, but simple exercises on a regular basis will help to cure panic attacks in the long run.

The final point is to ensure you get enough sleep, it has been shown that getting the right amount of sleep each night can help your body and mind naturally heal itself. Sleep is very precious and it's not just the quantity you get but you must make sure it is quality sleep to cure your panic attacks for good.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Cure Panic Attacks Without Any Medication

Panic Away is a very effective knowledge on how to cure your panic attacks, and some very valuable information included inside too. I personally think this is the good investment because it totally solved my panic attacks problem. It contain a Ebook that you can read anywhere and an audio format about One Move Technique, finally a "personal 1 to 1 coaching" that normally cost $150.

I highly recommend you to try it, should you still suffer from panic attacks and can't cure it, you can:

Simply send a mail to the creator with a title:"REFUND PLEASE" and some brief description (I heard some case they receive some nonsense reason to request refund..) because it is mentioned there, 100% full money back guarantee with no question.

Request a refund from CLICKBANK, which is a big company, who process your payment with its enhanced security site through https encryption connection.

Cures For Panic Attacks

Many people are nervous about speaking in public or flying in an airplane. A panic disorder can strike prior to one of these events or due to fear that something bad may happen, often an experience similar to what a person has had before. There are three main categories of panic attacks: spontaneous, which occurs seemingly out of the blue. Specific panic attacks apply to a certain experience such as a fear of heights or public speaking and situational panic attacks often affect those who suffer from agoraphobia, a fear of open spaces. Those who struggle with claustrophobia may suffer from a situational panic attack when in an enclosed area, such as a small room.

Cures for panic attacks may seem impossible because the effects are physical as well as psychological. Some symptoms include shortness of breath, racing heart, sweating, dizziness, chest pains and stomach cramps. Sometimes the physical disturbances can be so severe one may feel like he is having heart problems. If this is the case, a person should see a doctor or hospital immediately if they are unsure as to the cause of the discomfort in the body. Due to the possible severity of the physical symptoms, a person should not dismiss them all as stress or anxiety related. If there is any doubt or prolonged physical trouble a person should see a doctor quickly. High stress and anxiety can manifest itself in numerous ways in the body.

Cures for panic attacks may seem impossible because the effects are physical as well as psychological. Some symptoms include shortness of breath, racing heart, sweating, dizziness, chest pains and stomach cramps. Sometimes the physical disturbances can be so severe one may feel like he is having heart problems. If this is the case, a person should see a doctor or hospital immediately if they are unsure as to the cause of the discomfort in the body. Due to the possible severity of the physical symptoms, a person should not dismiss them all as stress or anxiety related. If there is any doubt or prolonged physical trouble a person should see a doctor quickly. High stress and anxiety can manifest itself in numerous ways in the body.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Panic Away - A Natural Technique To Stop Panic Attacks

Most of the people that have been struggling with panic away have usually exhausted themselves looking for a solution in every book, course, or treatment program out there. So I can understand if you are very skeptical (as is natural) and have little faith in ever getting rid of your condition.

Joe Barry, a former sufferer of all too frequent panic attacks and GAD, has developed a completely natural approach to eliminating 100% of general anxiety and panic attacks.

This may seem very hard to believe for someone who may have had this condition for some time but believe me that new information is now available to be free from anxiety. He reveals the whole technique to you.

The main essence of this book is the One Move technique which he details. It is a simple technique, yet effective. Mr. Joe teaches you the exact way to use it effectively. His methods will not only cure your anxiety, which in fact isn't a mental illness, I'd call it a stress disorder and you'll maybe laugh to find out how easy you can overcome it with Panic Away. You can use the One Move technique to help yourself with your fear of leaving the house, social anxiety (agoraphobia), fear of flying, fear of public speaking, and the fear of having another Panic Attack. There's also a BONUS he offers once you download the Ebook, which consists of personal one on one coaching, trust me it'll help You a lot!

For those of you out there who have been suffering from panic attacks, there is finally some good news. There is an amazing e-book online called Panic Away and it has helped over 25,000 people cure and treat their anxiety attacks. Now, panic attacks can fall under the category of general anxiety disorder or agoraphobia and if you suffer from those trust me I know it is a horrible disorder to try to over come. You start living your life in fear of another attack and that anticipation is a very uneasy feeling that will control you! The actual fear of having a panic attack can lead to the development of an even more destructive panic attack. If you currently suffer from anxiety attacks, panic attacks, or agoraphobia read on to see my story and what I used to finally overcome my fear!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Panic attack treatment

Most people experience anxiety on a regular basis since it is one of the normal ways of reacting to stress. However, when one becomes anxious to a level of excessively dreading everyday situations the condition becomes a disorder. Panic attacks on the other hand are abrupt emotions of overwhelming dread and fear that come without prior warning or reason. Panic can be treated and cured successfully though there is no cure confirmed to cure anxiety.

Everybody gets anxious or panics when facing challenging situations such as exams or deadlines as well as generally when under pressure. Many people are able to cope with everyday anxiety and have a survival mechanism. However, there are several people who are not so fortunate and are totally helpless against potential challenges. These people live in constant fear and are not able to cope with anything that causes them stress. They go to an extent of having attacks even when there is no cause or reason.
  1. If tests reveal nothing and the only conclusion is anxiety disorder the patient can seek second opinion.
  2. The patient can identify a therapist for treatment.
  3. Sessions with the therapist can be weekly.
  4. It may not be predictable how long the weekly sessions should take but the patient should show progress.
  5. Treatment should continue until the patient is well enough.
Panic and anxiety is a condition that can be treated effectively through various means. Research is showing new and improved therapies that are proven to help those with this disorder lead productive and fulfilling lives. Patients suffering from this condition can use medication as a last resort when their doctors prescribe it. Otherwise, there are many ways of relieving stress and relieving psychological sensations to fear through different types of therapy. Using self-help methods of treatment and/ or joining support groups play a great role in recovery. Those interested in more information about panic and anxiety treatment options, can sign up for free newsletters today.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

You don't always need meds for panic attacks

Panic attacks are real...and as a sufferer of them I am here to say you don't always need meds. After suffering a few panic attacks I went to see my Dr. who immediately put me on Zanex which I took and the next morning I woke up crying, lathargic, and feeling depressed...never felt this way before. So it was at that moment I thought wow which is worse panic or feeling depressed...my answer NEITHER. I decided to not take medicine and start educating myself as to how I could control these panic attacks....after all I wanted to control my brain not have it control me.

3 Years later I still feel anxiety build up (on the subway, in close quarters) but I tell myself to breath and that everything is going to be ok...I drink water and mentally calm myself down. This is much better than being a drone on medication....and I have my life back.

Causes a panic attack

There are a lot of triggers for a panic attacks, but essentially, all panic attacks are caused by a state of someone being either out of control in a given situation, or by feeling physically threatened, particularly when situations are unstable or unknown/strange. The triggers vary widely by culture and society, but those are the hallmarks across all the different landscapes. Sometimes the trigger is real to the person launching into the attack, but to those around them, the cause of the attack is unknown, unperceived or unacknowledged. Remember, when a person is heading into a panic attack spiral, they probably won't know why, and won't tell you what is putting them there. The key is to know what your environment holds that will likely ignite the spark of an attack.

Signs of a panic attack

According to experts at the Mayo Clinic, a panic attack often begins abruptly, peaks within 10 minutes and lasts about half an hour. But panic attacks have many variations., and those that suffer from them often experience warnings that they try or are required to ignore.

There is not much clinical information available on what those warning signs are, although several will be suggested here from personal interviews, and anecdotal reports.. Most approaches and treatments attempt to interrupt or prevent symptoms, and often do not focus on the underlying or episode-specific cause.

Clinical reports discuss brain and physiological causes and conditions, and there are some people who experience unpreventable attacks due to organic causes. For those people, medical approaches under a doctor's supervision are advised. Other health problems — such as an impending heart attack, an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) or drug withdrawal — can cause similar signs and symptoms. Attacks may last hours or, on rare occasions, up to a day.

What does a panic attack look like? Signs and symptoms may include:

  • Rapid heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Shortness of breath and hyperventilation
  • Chills
  • Hot flashes
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Chest pain
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Faintness
  • Tightness in your throat
  • Trouble swallowing
  • A sense of impending death

How to Overcome Panic Attacks

A lot of people make the mistake of believing that panic attacks are incurable and that they will have to cope with them for the rest of their life, but I would like to tell these people that they couldn’t be farther from the truth. Let me give you some tips on how you can prevent panic attacks from occurring, stop panic attacks before they stop you from doing whatever you were doing and tips on how you can avoid to go through panic attacks ever again.

There a lot of things that one can do to avoid panic attacks from occurring. First of all, keeping an active and healthy lifestyle is a good first step. People who are overweight and don’t exercise regularly run the risk of going through more panic attacks than people who are physically active simply because of their unstable body chemistry.

Another thing that can help reduce the occurrences of panic attacks is to practice relaxation; and by relaxation, I do not simply mean taking a few minutes for yourself, but becoming sensitive to your basic needs for peace, self-awareness and thoughtful reflection for a specific period of time. You don’t need to see a doctor to tell you that the major culprit involved in most panic attack cases is stress, and relaxation is only one way you can counteract the harmful effects of stress on your health.

Now, I can you stop a panic attack when you are right in the middle of it? Well, the most important thing is to try to keep your mind off of it. I know this sounds easier said then done, but if you use mental programming techniques such as NLP, it can actually be pretty simple. NLP, short for neuro-linguistic programming, describes the fundamental dynamics between mind and language and how their interplay affects our body and behavior.

One of the best NLP techniques you can use to divert yourself from a panic attack is by remembering the funniest thing you’ve ever seen, such as a funny scene in your favorite comedy, and bring it back to your memory every time you experience a panic attack. If you are skeptical about the effectiveness of such a technique, you should keep in mind that several reputable psychotherapists, such as Steven Sultanoff, former president of the President of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor, are using it on several of their patients with great success.

If you experience several panic attacks a day, you might need professional supervision. Some doctors will favor medication over therapy depending on the case, but make sure you weight in all the pros and cons of taking anti-depressants before you take a prescription. While they may provide a quick fix to incessant panic attacks, they can have other undesirable side-effects.

Overcoming Panic Attacks - Strategies and Tips For Driving Anxiety

What is a Panic Attack?

Panic Attacks are far more intense than having the feeling of being stressed or anxious that most people experience. It is described as a sudden attack of intense fear or feelings of impending fate or disaster that strike without warning and for no apparent reason. These are caused by a shift in the way the Amygdala, the small organ in the brain which regulates the anxiety response, behaves when confronted with an anxiety provoking thought, sensation or situation. Panic Attacks occur when a level of anxiety is reached which causes the Adrenalin to produce severe symptoms which reach a peak in just a matter of minutes. The peak of an attack can range anywhere from 5 to 30minutes, but the symptoms may last a little longer. The symptoms of Panic Attacks are completely harmless, although they can be very frightening. Panic Attacks belong to a group of anxiety disorder, like panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and agoraphobia.

What causes panic attacks? Some of the symptoms of anxiety attack are intense heartbeat, difficulty of breathing, palpitation, nausea, excessive sweating and trembling, chest pains, fearful of going crazy or about to die, sudden chills, and the like. Some people may experience different or more anxiety attack symptoms but this does not mean that their condition is far worse or that you are suffering from different undiagnosed condition. And because we are all different, the symptoms during Panic Attacks can vastly vary.

Panic Attacks are always a sign of underlying anxiety disorder which itself can be treated successfully with or without having to go through medication or costly therapy. Panic Attacks are not a sign of illness. The way to cure it is to eliminate the causes that trigger Panic Attacks.