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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How to Deal With Panic Attacks

The most often found illnesses in the United States are panic attacks and anxiety. You can't fix panic and anxiety just by wishing really hard. But, there are plenty of steps that can be taken to ease the symptoms and cure panic attacks and anxiety.

In the current economic climate people feel obliged to work longer hours just to feel they have more job security. Often they do this unpaid and that can lead to extra problems at home and for all the extra work have nothing to show for it. One simple technique you can implement at work is to learn to breathe correctly, you need to stop shallow breathing and start taking in bigger breaths.

The second point you should do on a daily basis to cure panic attacks is to make sure you drink enough water. Dehydration caused by not drinking enough water can play havoc with your emotional state. Try to drink at least eight glasses of water throughout the day.

Your daily diet also has a profound affect on your mental state, cut out snacking at work or in your home and eat six small meals throughout the day. The food you have should be low in sugar, salt and processed products as these can weaken your immune system and has a negative effect on your anxiety levels.

Ensure that with your healthy diet you take enough daily exercise this naturally raises your confidence and produces a general good feeling that will lower your anxiety and susceptibility to having panic attacks. Exercise doesn't have to be marathon running, but simple exercises on a regular basis will help to cure panic attacks in the long run.

The final point is to ensure you get enough sleep, it has been shown that getting the right amount of sleep each night can help your body and mind naturally heal itself. Sleep is very precious and it's not just the quantity you get but you must make sure it is quality sleep to cure your panic attacks for good.

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